Institute of Commercial Management
ICM is recognised by HEC and HERA in Pakistan and Ofqual in UK
ICM,established in1979,is a recognised UK Awarding body for business & management students. It offers globally recognised qualifications through its 1,000 Approved Centres. ICM is recognised and accredited by the Office of the Qualification & Examination Regulator (Ofqual- A UK Govt. Authority) and in Pakistan by the Higher Education Commission (HEC – Government of Pakistan).
HEC recognises ICM’s Level 6 qualifications as equivalent to a 4-year Bachelor degree in Pakistan which provides students with an opportunity to work and/ or continue their studies whilst staying in their homeland. Those students wishing to continue their studies abroad will be able to use their ICM Level 6 qualification for direct entry into Masters degree programs in many universities around the world. The ICM courses offered in Pakistan are consistent with those offered in the UK and around the world hence the recognition of the Awards is the same. CSPS is the only institute in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa which offers ICM qualification.
Please visit www.csps.edu.pk for further details.
ICM offer Professional qualifications at Qualifications & Credit Framework (QCF) Level 6 which equate with the UK Bachelor (Hons) degree programmes providing successful students with access to study directly for a range of Masters degree programmes in the UK and around the world. HEC have approved ICM to offer its Level 6 courses in Pakistan and the following disciplines are available for student to study at CSPS.
- Business Management
- Management Studies
- Marketing Management
Duration & Examinations
Duration of the ICM Level 6 qualifications is 4-years and examinations are conducted under supervision of the British Council in all cities of Pakistan.
Students can enter to sit their examinations in any of the four exam series throughout the year in March,June,September or December